Adsta’s advanced analytics help shine a light on where people are spending their time online, and how brands can turn this actionable data into sales.
The internet has become an essential part of grocery shopping. Whether ordering groceries online or checking out a store's website before heading to the supermarket, digital traffic is continuously on the rise. But as online options become more common, there is increased confusion about how to best utilize digital analytics.
And this is made more difficult by the fact that customers are living increasingly busier lives. Online services have the capacity to make grocery shopping easier, but it can be easily overlooked on the internet where it’s just one option among many. Grocers are not only competing with other locations but also all of the other places on the internet a shopper could be spending their time.
Engage Your Customers
Adsta helps brands maximize this time by understanding how consumers think. Data suggests that time spent on grocery websites typically follows a linear process: from homepage—to weekly ad circular. Beyond this, customers typically move on to some other corner of the internet.
This might not seem like a lot of time, and in some cases, it’s not. Despite the brevity, this is an important opportunity for brands to make an impact. Because time is of the essence, Adsta appeals to analytics to make the best possible decisions about digital layouts. This allows stores to create different page paths for digital circulars depending on how users have interacted with the site in the past. The proof is in the data.

Keep Their Attention
By always considering the user, Adsta creates unique digital experiences that outperform other websites. The average time spent on Adsta affiliated sites is 57 seconds—13 seconds longer than the average grocery site according to last year's Contentsquare Digital Experience Benchmark Report.
And breaking the data down reveals even more success. Customers average over 2 minutes on weekly ad pages, a substantial amount of time on the internet. Plus, weekly flyers held consumer attention for an average of 1 minute and 16 seconds. And pages with locations and find your store locators, typically the last place a shopper goes, each held attention for more than 30 seconds.
From Couch to Cart
A web presence isn’t something that is created and then left alone. It requires constant oversight and quick responses to ensure that customers are getting what they need. Adsta prides itself on making informed adjustments, based on what's trending and driving traffic.
Adsta knows that data is only useful if it results in action. With a detailed understanding of how shoppers engage with the internet, Adsta supports brands in getting the most out of their time in front of their customers. This commitment to analytics allows brands to make a good impression at home, and in the store.
Could your brand benefit from data like this?